Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Friendships of Yesterdays and Todays

Teenagers are social creatures, there is no surprise there. The power of positive friendships can shape your child's life forever.
Having friends and establishing strong friendships are important developmental steps for your children, and especially your preteens and teens. That is one of the many reasons parents should support and teach their children how to have and build strong friendships.

Guys tend to run in packs of friends and girls tend to have special BFF's, a best friend forever! Guys tend to have the love for competition with his friends and your daughter's BFF time is God-designed and totally normal. God wired us for the need of these great relationships.

I know in my own personal relationships of having great friendships and wonderful BFF's, I can say, I love them and adore them all, both my girl friends and my guy friends. My heart is full of the love that was built with them years ago and still today. How I treasure them and the memories that I have shared with them as my special BFF's. So glad that my mother allowed for me and supported me to have these great friendships and to have had my guy friends as well. I am so blessed for the friendships I have had and have, they all in some way or another have touched my world and put colors in my life.
Infact, I had just received a call from my BFF Esther, my girlfriend from way back in Jr. High. She can brighten my day in a New York minute. I have three soul mate friends that I will charish all my years, my cousin DeAnn, who I grew up with and who has been my sister and BFF forever, my best friend Beverly, who is alot like me and who I could not have done without, and Esther, my sweet pal and fun loving girlfriend. I have had aot of other friends and alot of friends i have today as well, but being that teen years are important for strong friendships these three are my most treasured and the friendships that I have learned by and grew by having.

Friendship really was God's idea and his plan. You should strive to make great friendships and to be a good friend. Remember, mutual trust, respect, and honesty are three ingredients that are crucial for friendships that are everlasting. It is important who you choose to be friends with. A "true friend" is like a safe harbor, he/ she helps you feel comfortable being you! Friendship is a need also so that teens can express being themselves and share ideas and thoughts and problems with. Yes, friendship can hurt from time to time, but these are also important life lessons and learning how to forgive, make-up, and communicate is all another part of God's plans with having friendships.

Talking and listening with friends, make us better communicators. The Blessing of a friend who understands your deepest thoughts and needs and loves you through the hard times is a gift form the Lord.

Treasure this gift and enjoy! ~

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